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Introduction to Digital Pedagogy in ELT
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Digital pedagogy and the '5 lenses' (1:18)
Introduction: Is there such a thing as digital pedagogy?
Before you watch
Is there such a thing as digital pedagogy? (6:15)
Intro Task 1 | Analysing your own pedagogical approach
Intro Task 2 | Making decisions about the use of digital technology
Intro Task 3 | Reflect and share
1. The critical lens
Before you watch
Postman's 6 questions (5:28)
Task 1.1 | To what problem is this technology the solution?
Graddol's Maxim (5:07)
Task 1.2 | Does new technology bring regressive pedagogy?
Task 1.3 | Reflect and share
2. The evaluation lens
Before you watch
The SAMR model (8:25)
The SAMR model: check your understanding
Task 2.1 | Activity planning using SAMR
Task 2.2 | Reflect and share
3. The teacher training lens
Before you watch
ELT's teacher training problem (4:29)
The Cambridge English Digital Teaching Framework (3:06)
The four levels of mastery: check your understanding
Task 3.1 | Test your digital skills
Task 3.2 | Reflect and share
4. The Second Language Acquisition (SLA) lens
Before you watch
How could SLA research inform EdTech? (7:52)
Criteria for gauging the learning power of EdTech products: check your understanding
Task 4.1 | Estimating the learning power of EdTech products
Task 4.2 | Reflect and share
5. The product lens
Before you watch
The Ed-Tech disconnect and a need to focus on Learner Experience (LX) (4:01)
Task 5.1 | Mapping your own learner experience
Pedagogy as a component of LX (7:31)
Task 5.2 | Decision-making with good LX in mind
Task 5.3 | Reflect and share
Conclusion: Bringing it all together
Course conclusion (2:08)
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Graddol's Maxim
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